Got a lot of stuff to sell?

Let’s chat about ShopTech

We’ll help you sell more products by optimising your existing and new e-commerce technologies

ShopTech answers your big eCommerce questions

We created ShopTech to help businesses understand and optimise their shop technology options

Some of the key challenges faced by retailers go beyond their ecommerce platform.​​

As you grow, legacy systems and processes are no longer fit for purpose.​ Our ShopTech team can help ensure your frontstage and backstage systems and technologies are ready for the future of Big eCommerce. Ask us how. ​

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Give your customers the shop they want

We help retailers shift gear and fast forward their ecommerce strategy

Technology advancement is relentless, and the more it’s integrated into our daily lives, the more we expect from it. ​

As people change their expectations, we will need to react. Instead of thinking of a desktop experience, a mobile experience, a tablet experience, we pursue one, holistic approach, an experience that customers can use whenever, wherever, they want.​​

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ERP, MA, Big data and Lifetime value. Got all that?

When you integrate your online eCommerce shop with your existing systems and CRM data, we call this ShopTech.

Crucial for a successful ShopTech implementation is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Marketing Automation (MA) and CRM data platforms. All three can and should work in concert to increase your revenue through improved customer and employee experiences. If you’d like us to explain this further, get in touch.

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Want more online sales? Make every click make money

When clicks lead to sales, and revenue leads to profit, your shop is buzzing.

We all know it’s not enough to just create an online shop. The most successful retail shops are optimised to reflect their products, brand, and customer needs. Our ShopTech Service Design and Customer Journey Mapping blueprints turn clicks into money. Ask us how.​

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